Many people claim that the college years are the best years. They weren't for me.
I went to a two-year community college right after high school. After those two years, I had an Associate of Arts degree but still no direction.
After working two years out west, I was counseled to go back to school to finish my college education. In all honesty, I don't think it was the best advice. I went ahead with the plan because I respected my friend but I never felt that academics was the place for me. If you want to compete in any scholastic discipline, I will probably back off and declare you the winner. I have no desire to do battle where I know I do not have a gifting.
One more year at a community college and two years at a university left me with no more direction or help than when I started. In some ways, I feel like it was lost time. In other ways, I know it was just another step in the process of finding my true calling.
If I were to do it all over again, I would do something different. I would not repeat my same choices. Instead, I would pick something at the local technical college. I think it is better to have something practical on one's resume and something that can be completed in far fewer years. A technical college certification or associates degree can put you right to work and when working, a person can continue to find and seek direction.
Colleges and universities will always have their places. But I think many people would be better served at a two-year technical college.
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